Clippy App For Mac How To Install

Nov 29, 2006  Clippy is fully customizable and you can add the sentences you want just editing a.txt file in the root folder of Clippy. You will enjoy a lot using this tool and, of.

Yes, Clippy from Microsoft Office is back — on macOS!

Clippy can be moved around (drag with mouse) and be animated (right-click).

The SpriteKit-Framework is used to animate through Clippy's sprite map.

First start

  1. Download Clippy for macOS or build from source.
  2. Run
  3. Click 📎 → Show in Finder in the menu bar
  4. Unzip all files
  5. Click 📎 → Reload
  6. Pick an Agent under 📎 → Agents → …


  • Animations (Right-Click → Animate! or press the Space bar)
  • Always on top
  • Sounds
    • Mute / Unmute
  • Transparent when out of focus
  • Support for other agents
  • Agent picker
  • Menu bar Item
  • Original size / Zoom
  • Actions
    • Hide
    • Show
    • MoveTo x y
    • GestureAt x y
    • Play animation
  • Clean up
    • Rewrite the ugly parts (many references and force unwraps)
    • Extract the Agent reader into its own libary
    • Test!
  • HitTest on transparent regions
  • Support branching and probability
  • Idle animations
  • Languages
  • Control via command line



  • Open project with Xcode
  • Build and run the macOS target

Add other Agents (optional)

An *.acs file includes all required resources (bitmaps, sounds, definitions, etc.) of an agent.Unfortunately, this project does not support *.acs files, yet. But hopefully in the future — pull-requests are welcome.

Until then, you can convert *.acs files with the 'MSAgent Decompiler' by Lebeau Software.This software extracts all resources that we need, from an *.acs.There are a few steps involved.


Will be used to merge single *.bmp sprites into a single 32 bit PNG-file.

Will be used to convert *.wav-files in RIFF format to MP3 files.


Clippy App For Mac How To Install

Included in this project is a converter called tool takes opaque BMP sprites, removes background colors, puts them together to one big transparent PNG file and converts all sounds to MP3. Download airflick for mac.


AGENT_PATH path to decompiled agent directory.NEW_NAME should only include lowercase letters.


./agent-convert agents/CLIPPIT clippy

Final step

After the conversion step, you will get a new folder called NEW_NAME.agent.

  1. Click 📎 → Show in Finder in the menu bar.
  2. Move it to the Agents directory.
  3. Click 📎 → Reload
  4. Select new Agent under 📎 → Agents → …


Inspiration was taken from:

  • (C#)
  • (JavaScript)

Graphics were created by Microsoft.

Clippy: The Unauthorized Biography

Watch the Unauthorized Biography with Steven Sinofsky, if you're interested in Clippy's history!


  • Devran 'Cosmo' Uenal
  • Twitter: @maccosmo

If you're still using an older version of Microsoft Office, you might still have the Office Assistant's character named Clippy hanging around. If you're using a newer version you might vaguely remember that paperclip character appearing. Now, it has been retired from Microsoft Office since version 2007, due to strong negative response.

So, what is this article about? It's about a new Clippy, but this time it's a prank. You might be interested in bringing that annoying assistant back to live as to play a trick on your colleagues or family members.

This Clippy is a simulated office assistant that will pop up every minute saying something useless about your computer and can be customized to make it even more realistic and funny. Last but not least, there seems no way to get rid of this character, but there is, if you know the method, you'll be able to stop and remove it.